Saturday, February 28, 2009

Miss piggy

I got my fat butt up and went to weight watchers this morning. I have gained 10 pounds worrying about my daughter, and the trip to Hawaii. My knees are screaming for me to lose the weight. I want to try the new program anyway. The pumpkin cheesecake that I made while I was there didn't help much either.
I did the dumbest thing. I went to the airport in Hawaii to come home Tuesday night. I was supposed to leave at 9:pm. The computer would not let me check in so I asked the lady why. It seems that when I was booking my flights, I accidently hit March instead of February for my return flight. The plane for that night was full so I had to book one for Wednesday morning. It cost me 150.00 to change it !!!!!!!!! I had to hurry and call my son-in-law before he got back home to come and pick me up. The poor guy had to have me back to the airport by 5 the next morning. I would feel really bad about doing such a dumb thing, but I have been doing dumb things all my life so it is pretty normal for me. I must say everyone I know thinks it is pretty funny !!!!!!!!!!
I was going to clean my car and the garage today but my heart is fibulating and I am a tad dizzy, so I guess I will cool it for now. It is 80 degrees in California today. That is just for the people who are freezing back east. hee hee hee !!!!!!!!!
I love you all !!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Briana, HAPPY BIRTHDAYto you, and many more !!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

sometimes your best is not good enough !!

I sometimes have this incredible sense of guilt, because I had three people with cancer all at the same time and I feel I shortchanged them. It was an indescribable feeling not being able to give each one the attention they deserved at that time. My husband and mother in law are gone now and I will never know if I did enough for them when they needed it the most. I can only hope that I did. I know my daughter got cheated because she was in Hawaii and I couldn't go be with her because I had to care for her father and grandma. Life is certainly not fair in any sense of the word. I just hope that God knows that I did the best I could at the time, and that my daughter can forgive me for not being there for her as much as I should have been. I guess I will always have a feeling of failure somehow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I am still here, but just don't feel like talking. I love you all!!!!!!!!!